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Basic Indonesian for Travelers

Indonesia is unique in that it’s a single country made up of tens of thousands of smaller islands, each with their own language or dialect. In the 1945 the government declared that Bhasa Indonesia (literally, the Language of Indonesia) would be the lingua franca of the nation. Thus, while it’s not necessarily the first language of every citizen, it’s taught in school and a universal means of communications for Indonesians. While most people in the touristy areas will speak English, it’s handy to know a bit of Indonesian while getting around.


It’s important to note that Bhasa Indonesia is the same language as Bhasa Malaysia—aside from a few dialectical differences, they are the same language, and all of these phrases can be used in Malaysia as well, with the exception of rural Borneo, where they speak Dusun!

ENGLISH PHRASE...Indonesian translation; Indonesian pronunciation

Pro tip: When someone is trying to sell you something on the street, get you in a taxi, or make you eat at their restaurant, just say suda, suda—most passersby will just no, but using the Indonesian word for "already" will show them this isn’t your first time around the block!


ONE..Satu; SAH-two


TWO...Dua; DO-ah


THREE...Tiga TEE-gah


Selamat can be dropped for all of these greetings. For example, in the morning, most Indonesians will say “pagi!”, rather than “selamat pagi!”. It’s the equivalent of us saying “morning!”, instead of “good morning!”. Either is acceptable.


GOOD MORNING...(selamat) pagi; sah-lah-MAHT pa-GEE—this is a hard G


GOOD AFTERNOON...(selamat) si yung; sah-lah-MAHT see yoong


GOOD EVENING...(selamat) soree; sah-lah-MAHT so-REE


GOOD NIGHT...(selamat) malam; sah-lah-MAHT mah-LAHM


GOOD NIGHT (before sleep)...(selamat) tidur; sah-lah-MAHT tee-DUER


WHAT'S YOUR NAME?...siapa nama mu; see-AH-pa NAH-mah moo


MY NAME IS...saya nama; SIGH-ah NAH-ma


HOW ARE YOU?...apa kabar; UP-ah ka-BAHR

Frequently Used

NO…Tidak; ti-DAHT


THANK YOU…terima kasih (makasih); teh-ree-ma-KAH-see (ma-kah-SEE)

Note: terima kasih is to “thank you” as makasih is to “thanks”


YOU'RE WELCOME...sama sama; SAH-ma SAH-ma


ALREADY...suda; soo-DA


GOOD...bagus; baah-GOOSE


EXCUSE ME...permissi; PEAR-miss-see


SORRY...maaf; mah-AHF


PLEASE...tolong; TOH-lung

Moderately Used

TO ME...disini (here); dee-see-knee


HOW MUCH?...barapa; bah-RAH-pa…be prepared for them to answer in Indonesian!


WHAT...apa; UP-ah


FOOD...makan; ma-khan


COFFEE...kopi; COPE-ee


GOODBYE…dada; dah-dah!

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